HeIlo! I bet you didn’t know I’m a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach, Weight Loss Specialist, Women’s Fitness Specialist, and more…

During Summer 2024, I thought it’s a shame to have all of this knowledge and not share it with the world. That prompted me to look into writing for online publications, including health and fitness publications.

With a degree in broadcast journalism and all of this specialized knowledge, I am now more than qualified to create content and write for any website related to my knowledge and expertise pertaining to any one of my many certifications as well as those things I’ve spent decades learning and mastering through exposure and immersion, real world experience, implementation, and practice.

All of that aside, I was APPALLED by what I found when I started looking into what online publications are publishing. I quickly realized I cannot with a clear conscience create content or write for entities that are publishing information that is not true or only partly true… I can’t, and I won’t.

Being media and marketing savvy, I know what they’re doing. These publications are publishing headlines and content that generates clicks, time on page (internet marketing stuff), and sales via ads online, which relates back to search volume, clicks, the time you spend on their pages, etc.

The editors are giving this nonsense that’s being published the green light because without clicks and sales, no one at the publication has a job. They’d be firing themselves. Without revenue, there is no business. Business 101. In today’s world, eyeballs equal money. The more people who see and read what’s written, the more ad and affiliate revenue is generated. Now, you know why there’s so much sh*t content published… with catchy headlines. SALES.

Award-winning BBQ sauce featured on “Fox & Friends” and in Southern Living Magazine

As for the decades’ worth of experience,  my family has always owned small businesses, and I spent several years working for a Fortune 500 company where I wound up in the top 20% of sales in my division nationwide.

That’s where my knowledge of in business, sales, marketing, and entrepreneurship comes into play.

AND I have a lifetime of experience in and around the entertainment industry.

I’m also self-learned and self-taught as it relates to many other things… 

Annnd, this was meant to be a Health + Fitness post to let you know more is coming soon, but I think that covers a little bit of almost everything…

Why I’m starting my own site…

Why I can confidently stand behind the information I share… and give you a little idea of what’s to come…

Don’t be fooled. I’m full of surprises! However, I promise when I share information anywhere online, I’m always able to proudly stand behind what I say and share with a clean heart and peace of mind knowing I’m only creating content, courses, and programs for all of the right reasons…

My reason for showing up online is to help those who find my corner of the internet be the very best, happiest, healthiest, most fulfilled version of themselves and to brighten the days of everyone who crosses my path, and HELP YOU live your best life starting today.

Thanks for being here. I appreciate you and value the time you spend with me. There are literally millions of other people online you could be sharing part of your days with, and you’re here.

So, thank you. I appreciate you. I value you, and I truly hope your life is increasingly better each time you cross my virtual path… even if that means you just smile and laugh a little more. Laughter is medicine for the soul!

Be blessed! I love you! – jennifer ❤️

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